Morning everyone! Happy Friday! Today we are going to talk about money! Cold hard cash. More specifically, how motivated by money are you? It is an interesting question to ask yourself- I will go first. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being “meh it’s nice to have it but I don’t really care” to 10 being “WHERE’S MY MONEY!!!!!!!!!! I NEED IT YESTERDAY!!” I rate myself an 11! I love money. I am truly driven and motivated by money and it is what gets me up in the morning. I am also the epitome of a tight ass. Unashamedly a tight ass. All my friends know it and I have put up with years and years of being called a tight ass and the ridicule that comes with it! But you know what? I don’t care! Water off a duck’s back. But you know what else? There is no way I would still be doing this job after all these years if I wasn’t motivated by money. When chasing payments and outstanding invoices, you must be motivated and driven by money. I am sorry to all of you who disagree, but please- this is one of those trust me moments- you have to be. To get paid every single cent you are owed, you must have an unwavering, laser like focus and never ever give up. No debt is uncollectable- the only variable is how much effort you put in. A $65 invoice should be chased as hard and as persistently as a $65,000 invoice. Take no notice of the amount- it is irrelevant. Just think of what you can spend that money on when you get it. Be driven by that. Enjoy the challenge rather than putting it in the too hard basket. Asking for money from someone who owes you nothing is hard- asking for money from someone who agreed to give it to you is easy, if you change your mindset. Cheers guys, have a great day