Happy 2018 everyone, and I hope this post helps you all who are waiting on customers to pay invoices from last year. Without a shadow of doubt, January is the hardest month of the year to collect money. It is a perfect storm- businesses have been closed, people are on holidays, cash flow is tight, but your “total overdue” amount showing in XERO is right there in your face, almost taunting you! “Should I send a reminder or is it too soon” you think. “Grrrr that invoice was due on the 15th December, I could really do with that cash” is another. The best advice I can give you guys is this- lower your expectations to avoid disappointment- the first 2 weeks of January is dead and you will only be tearing your hair out thinking you can change that- be patient, and your money will come. If however you want to hurry them along, email or call them to wish them a happy new year. Don’t even mention the money as the mere fact you have contacted them will in itself be a reminder that they have to pay you. Cheers everyone
What to expect when you are expecting…………………………..your money!