(Today’s date)
(Customers name and address)
Re. (Outstanding invoice number/s)
Amount: (Outstanding amount)
Dear (Customers first name, or name of person you have been dealing with is customer is a business)
We write today regarding the above-mentioned, which despite numerous requests for payment, remains outstanding. As such, it has now reached a critical stage and we require payment in full within 7 days of this letter.
Our bank account details to pay into are:
BANK- (Your bank name)
ACCOUNT NAME- (Your bank account name)
BSB- (BSB number)
ACCOUNT NUMBER- (Account number)
REFERENCE NUMBER- (Invoice number)
If you are unable to pay the full amount within the timeframe specified, please advise urgently and we may be able to assist by way of an affordable payment arrangement.
Should no response or payment be received by the deadline of (date 7 days in the future), legal action may commence without further notice.
Yours faithfully,
(Your name and business name)
Signed (Your signature)