Welcome to CollectMORE
The world’s first and only debt prevention and collection smartphone app. Money Magazine’s “App on the month July 2019”.

- Tell the app how much you are owed and when it was due, and it will tell you exactly what you need to do to get paid. Unique and specialised advice given every time.
- Research a new customer- allows you to confirm their name and legal entity, check their online profile, email them a blank Engagement Form to complete, provide you with checklist of information to ask for before you start the job and much more. Prevent a bad debt before it begins.
- Unique call scripts provided, telling you exactly what to say when phoning your customer.
- Issue an official Letter of Demand, all from within the app.
- Choose from 8 different email and SMS templates, all proven to work. The app will even recommend the best template for you.
- Ability to include your bank account details from your invoices on all templates, making it easier than ever before to get paid.
- Still no luck? Send the debt to us for recovery, just by pressing a button.
App Downloads
$$$ Collected
Kneecaps Saved
This app is truly amazing. A fool proof way to help get paid. I downloaded the app and within 48 hours I was paid after chasing the debt for 40 days. So easy to use and the added feature of checking new clients is so valuable. Takes some of that risk out of doing business with new clients. Cannot recommend highly enough. LADYBUG IMPORTS Wow. Just wow! I have been using the original CollectMORE app for months and it has worked wonders but this new version is on a whole new level. The templates are amazing and I love that I can do background checks on new customers. Incredible. GEOFF GODFREY This app has made it so much easier helping us collecting unpaid debts and helped so much with cash flow and reducing stress.
As an app developer I have a million suggestions on how to make this app prettier.
As an app developer I’m also not great at things like hassling people for money. This app solves that problem and solves it well. With templates to guide you through not needing collections, and an easy handoff should it be needed it’s an essential for any small business.