Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend! What are going to talk about today is franchises and how to collect money from one- everyone knows the famous franchises- Mcdonalds, Subway, KFC, Nandos, 7/11, etc. If you are engaged by a franchise to do work, always ask them before you start who will be responsible for paying. Is it a head office job, or is it the franchise themself? Some stores remain owned and operated by a head office. Let’s use Nandos as an example- the Nandos at, I don’t know, Nerang QLD, requests $5000 worth of electrical work and confirms they will be paying as the franchise. They will have their own Pty Ltd company name and your invoice will be made out to that store. If they do not pay and are not responding, I encourage you to ring the head office and explain the situation to them- you can tell them everything- you are not breaching privacy and whilst they will not pay it for you, they can provide additional contact details and often will tell you if they are owed franchise fees also themselves. As for emailing the franchise- again, we will use Nandos Nerang as an example- the email address will almost always be “storename@franchisewebsite.com.au. ie- nerang@nandos.com.au. Try that and see how you go and if it bounces back, ring head office and ask them. Hope this helps guys, cheers!
How to get paid by a franchise