QUICK TIP!! Hi guys, when your customer is making part payments towards a debt, and they are significant enough (ie. $500 and over) always give them a remaining balance once they have made the payment, and always use positive reinforcement to keep them focused. With my debtors I text or email them “Thanks payment received, $xxxx left to go, you are going great, that finish line is in sight”. You must keep them motivated, otherwise trust me, they will lose interest or even worse, forget. They need to know they are reducing the debt. Here is a direct quote from a debtor I just told after he paid $1000 towards his $12,288 account “Thanks Paul, it is great to know I am making a dint in this account as I just want to get rid of it as quickly as possible, it is my sole priority at the moment”. This is gold! Your customers can also be this focused and motivated guys, you just need to help them along the way! Have a great day.


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